International Festival of Arts and Ideas

September 8, 2016
The International Festival of
Join us as the Festival presents its 6th Visionary Leadership Award to accomplished business leader, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and women's and girl's rights advocate, Sheryl WuDunn. Sheryl WuDunn has used her powerful voice to fight for human rights for women and girls around the globe.

Named one of the "150 Women Who Shake the World" (Newsweek), it has been her goal to bring awareness and create change to issues that effect the voiceless. She has spoken out on global issues such as the lost generation of girls in China who have disappeared under the One Child Law, and the women and girls in developing countries forced into prostitution by poverty.

As a successful businesswoman, WuDunn has served as an executive at several major financial institutions and is currently Senior Managing Director at Mid-Market Securities, LLC. Her prowess as a business leader has led her to serve on many US and internationally-based organizations that aim to diversify male-dominated fields. Through these boards, councils and institutions WuDunn is helping to create an environment of success for all women, in any field of study or work.

In addition to the day-of activities, the Festival creates a series of events in a mini-residency which is enriched by our close collaboration with surrounding public education institutions and community organizations. This mini-residency acts as a mean to connect our community in meaningful dialogue and conversation about topics relevant to our Honoree.

All proceeds from the Award Luncheon support The Jean Handley Fund for the International Festival of Arts & Ideas.


Anne Tyler Calabresi
Roslyn Milstein Meyer


Kimberly Goff-Crews
Kiki Kennedy, M.D.
Nancy Yao Maasbach

Residency Activities

Master's Tea & Poynter Lecture: A Path Appears: Why Should We Change the World?
Tuesday, January 26 | 4:00-5:30 p.m.

Town Hall Event: The Power of One: Individuals Effecting Communal Change

Professor ARTURO
Professor ARTURO
International Festival of Arts and Ideas - Circus Preview
International Festival of Arts and Ideas - Circus Preview
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International Festival of Arts and Ideas - Baila Peru
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