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A festival night, day party & lots of fun activities
Image courtesy of WCMF website
Friday 12 February
Opening Party
Whittlesea Bowls Club (101 Church St) - Bookings for event/dinner essential.
Ph: 9716 1966
Saturday 13 February
Street Party, Church St, Whittlesea, 10am to 4pm
Twilight Concert
Walker Reserve (Laurel St), 5pm to 9.30 pm (Fireworks at 9pm)
Baylou - Image courtesy of Baylou's FB page
The Whittlesea Country Music Festival (WCMF) is for everyone. Bring your family, your friends and music fans of any age. Locals and visitors alike are in for a treat with entertainment from some of country music's greats.
The festival kicks off on the Friday (12th Feb) with an opening party at the Whittlesea Bowls Club (101 Church street, Whittlesea) featuring a free performance by sister duo, Baylou. Bookings for this event/dinner is essential. Call 9716 1966.
Aleyce Simmonds - image courtesy of FB page
The main festival is on the grounds of the Whittlesea Secondary College on Saturday the 13th of February. Entertainment will commence at 10am at this free street party and run through till 4pm. There'll be two stages running, showcasing country artists and local musicians performing a range of musical genres. There'll also be a talent search and a busker's competition. There may well be a star in the making among them.
Here you'll find trader's/market stalls from local and surrounding areas, an animal nursery, face painting, boot scooting, food stalls and other fun activities for the kids.
The Black Sorrows - Image courtesy of FB page
The street party will be followed by the 'Twilight with the Stars' concert at the Whittlesea Cricket Ground (the Walker Reserve corner of Forest and Laurel streets), another free open air event that goes from 5pm to 9.30pm, with fireworks going off at 9pm, weather permitting.
You can bring along a picnic basket to enjoy on what promises to be a wonderful night, or get your food and drinks at the event, which will be available for purchase. No glass is allowed on the oval so please dig out your plastics and party to the likes of the iconic Black Sorrows; Christy Lamb, a finalist in the Golden Guitar Awards for 'CMAA Qantaslink New Talent of the Year' two years running no less; Amber Lawrence, 'Female Artist of the Year' award, at the 2015 CMAA Golden Guitar awards, quickly followed by Country Music Channel 'Female Oz Artist of the Year' Award in 2015; Aleyce Simmonds, Australian Independent Female Vocalist of the Year 2 years running, Country Single of the Year and Australian Independent Artist of the Year; to name a few. You don't want to miss this event. Stay updated via the website or the Facebook page
Christie Lamb and Amber Lawrence - images courtesy of their respective FB pages
Why? The Whittlesea Country Music Festival - a free community event
Where: Whittlesea Bowling Club, Church Street, Whittlesea; Whittlesea Secondary College, Whittlesea and Whittlesea Cricket Ground (The Walker Reserve cnr. Forest and Laurel Streets), Whittlesea, VIC