There's always something to do in Perth! We are so fortunate to have thousands of volunteers who work diligently to bring us great events and festivals all through the year. Break the ice on New Year's Day at the Annual Polar Bear Plunge. Come in the spring to Lanarkk County, the Maple Syrup Capital of Ontario and find out how maple syrup is made at one of many nearby sugar bushes. The Perth Chamber of Commerce hosts the Festival of the Maples on the last Saturday of April - a day-long event filled with entertainment for all ages, and of course some ample tasting of the season's harvest.
Some other events in Perth and area include:
- The Perth Farmer's Market runs May-October, Saturday mornings at the Basin from 8am to 1pm
- 3 free days of music at the Stewart Park Festival in mid-July
- Brooke Valley Spring and Autumn Studio Tours (Easter and Thanksgiving weekends)
- Perth Festival of the Maples the last Saturday every April
- The Polar Bear Plunge January 1st adjacent the Perth Legion
- The Perth Citizens' Band presents bi-monthly concerts in the Bandshell in June, July and August
- KidFish in the Basin the Saturday of Father's Day weekend
- July 1 enjoy the fireworks at the Annual Canada Day Celebrations at Conlon Farm
- The Guinness World Record Kilt Run takes place each June through the streets of Perth
- The Rotary Club's Annual Strawberry Social takes place in June overlooking Stewart Park
- The Annual Canuel Soccer Tournament takes place end of July at Conlon Farm Recreation Park
- Its Chic to Reek... at the annual Perth Lions Club Garlic Festival in August
- The Perth Fair takes place on Labour Day weekend
- Check out the scenery - pick up a map and go on a walking, cycling or driving tour. Stop for a picnic at one our many parks or greenspaces. Don't forget we have over 70 shops and restaurants in our downtown alone!
- Perth Community Choir musical broadway every November
- Perth Performing Arts Committee brings three acts to Perth in winter/spring
- Full Circle Theatre puts on several shows a year to the acclaim of local and city theatre critics
- Classic Theatre Festival runs July and August, presenting the classic hits of Broadway and the London stage

Japan Festival in Perth Intro

Japan Festival in Perth - The Road to Japan : wgopn 016

Festival Dominicano Perth Amboy NJ 2012 Part1